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Raising Sera- Lineage Page 9

"No!" Sera responded. She glared at Hunter with a harsh stare as she continued to rub Ethan's back. "Not until you tell me what's going on!"

  "In due time, darling... but first, come on and help your old man."

  "Am I your prisoner?" she blurted out.

  "Of course not."

  Sera looked around the hollow laboratory. The illumination from the cryo chamber flickered across her face.

  "Then why am I trapped."

  "Darling, we're all trapped."

  She stood up. Her face grimaced with each step she took towards Hunter. As she approached him, she pointed towards the vault door.

  "Not like me," she replied.

  Hunter finished tieing his bandage secure.

  "Look...” he cried out, stepping on a piece of glass. “...the barrier is a safety precaution. Too many things are at risk for something to happen to you.”

  “Safe!” she contested. "That's sharp floor, you stepped on.”

  Hunter placed his hands on her face. "I'm wearing shoes, dear. Now if you allow me, I need to tie up a loose end.”

  He picked up the knife from the floor. Ethan had his back turned as he walked towards him. He raised his arm high in the air.

  “Wait!” Sera shouted.

  “What now?” Hunter moaned.

  "Somnum," she whispered.

  Hunter collapsed on the floor as the knife fell to the ground. Ethan glanced at Hunter then immediately fell unconscious.


  "Hey... hey! Mister wake up! Are you ok?"

  Ethan struggled to open his eyes. With blurred vision, he stared at the sandy blonde young girl. He forced himself to sit up.

  "I'm fine," he replied, adjusting his eyes to the dark room. “Where's Hunter?” he continued.

  "You mean him?" Sera uttered, pointing to the guy still lying on the floor.

  "What did you do to him?"

  “He’ll be fine,” she confided. “I put him to sleep.”

  "Why did you do that?”

  “I don't know...” she hesitated. “I didn't want to see you get hurt anymore.”

  “How noble.”

  Sera sat down beside him. Ethan took off his coat and used it to cover up her legs.

  "What's your name again?" Sera asked.


  She repeated his name twice, sounding out the syllables as she spoke it.

  "We got to find a way out of here," he continued.

  "There's no way out. I've tried."

  She pointed to the shell casings laid scatter on the floor. Ethan smiled at her.

  "I think this is a situation for a grown up," he replied.

  "You shot the damn controls, jackass!" Hunter sneered as he got up from the floor. "I should cut out those useless eyes, then again your hearing is shit too!”

  Sera reached inside her coat. She pulled out the knife. Twisting her lips, she waved it in Hunter’s face.

  "Not without this!" she smirked.

  "Give it to me," Hunter demanded as he marched over to her.

  "Some na-na-na!" she teased.

  Hunter paused.

  "Give me the knife, Sera... I'm your father."

  "How do we get out of here?" she demanded.

  "Don't worry about that. Apex soldiers will be here soon at that door. Just come with me. We can be together finally... as a family.”

  Sera paused and lowered the blade.

  "Where's Damien and Carlos?" Ethan interrupted.

  "Alive..." Hunter assured him. "I swear."

  Sera dropped the knife.

  "Leo's mission was to secure the Delgado farm, nothing more."

  "By any means," Ethan added.

  "His methods are unusual... but he gets the job done."

  "Like how he killed, Hera..." Ethan uttered.

  "Hera's alive. I secured her at the Belmont estate myself. She's being monitor... and receiving special care."

  "Your father is a liar, Sera!"

  Hunter smirked.

  "You know Ethan... you're not that hero you make yourself out to be."

  Hunter helped Sera off the floor. He pulled her close to him.

  "It was a matter of seconds before Carlos gave me your whereabouts. I don't know why, McCall... but there's something about you... People don't like you, Ethan."

  Hunter wrapped his arm around Sera neck. "Maybe because we can't trust you."

  Sera looked at the vomit on Hunter's shirt before glancing back at Ethan.

  The vault door suddenly opened. Apex soldiers entered the room. They drew their weapons at Ethan.

  "Finally!" Hunter exclaimed.

  "President Belmont, the Apex building is under siege. We’re sweeping the building now, neutralizing Chaos members as we speak. There's no sign of Leo yet, sir."

  “Look everywhere!” Hunter commanded. “Go to the districts and weed him out. He’s a rodent... and just like a rat he will be terminated!”

  An Apex soldier passed Hunter a syringe. He injected the needle into his neck. Hunter's knife wound instantly healed.

  "A new version of the Kindle recipe," he groaned, throwing the syringe on the floor. "It does all the stuff as the old formula... without the added drowsiness," he continued.

  "Tell me where my mother is now!" Ethan demanded.

  Hunter shook his head as he marched over to Ethan. Ethan reached out to grab him. Apex soldier held him back with assault rifles pointed at him in every direction.

  "Enough of this..." Hunter bellowed out. "You wanna know who killed your mother? I'll gladly confess. I killed the bitch... I. KILLED. THAT. BITCH!"

  "Sir, do you want us to neutralize."

  Hunter turned towards Sera.

  "Not in front of the kid."

  He covered her mouth with his hand. Sera glared up at him with her mouth clenched tight.

  She tried to struggle.

  “Relax my child,” Hunter cooed. “Only one of us is capable of harming you.”

  A second squad of Apex soldiers gathered around Ethan.

  "You see Sera... along with having a father, you had a mother as well-"

  "Don't!" Ethan cried out.

  "Her name was Angela... she died before you were born-"

  Ethan lunged forward. Apex guards held him back.

  "Ethan took your mommy away from you, Sera. He is a very bad man. Ethan killed your mommy."

  Sera bit Hunter's hand, releasing herself from his grasp.

  "Don't touch me!" she snapped at him. She brushed pieces of vomit from her hair with her fingers.

  The soldier targeted their guns at Sera.

  "Whoa, whoa, whoa now... everybody, stand down!" Hunter declared.

  Sera eyes swelled up as she stared at Ethan. He bowed his head as guards forced him to his knees. A tear rolled down Sera face.

  "It's alright sweetheart, just calm down," Ethan uttered.

  Sera's eyes glowed red as her voice grew cryptic.

  "I will not calm down... I will not be silenced."

  Sera fell to the ground unconscious as an Apex soldier butted her head with his gun.

  Hunter reached for another soldier's sidearm. He shot the overzealous officer in the head then returned the weapon.

  “Even if that was necessary...” he warned. “ one touches the girl.”

  A soldier lifted Ethan's chin with his gun barrel.

  "What about him, sir?"

  Hunter walked towards Ethan.

  "I had enough of this guy," he exclaimed.

  The soldier kicked the back of Ethan's head, dropping him to the floor. Hunter grabbed Ethan by the head. He searched Ethan’s chest pocket and pulled out a photo.

  "Thanks for the ride, huh..."

  He ripped the picture in two then threw it at Ethan. He looked his brother in his eyes.

  "Hey McCall, I got a ride for you..."

  Hunter gripped Ethan's afro taut. An Apex soldier kicked the knife over to the president. Hunter looked down at the blade.

  "I had my chance, McCall... boy did I have
my chance! But now... now I realize that killing you would be a mercy."

  He let Ethan go.

  “Send him to Obsidian Ward,” he ordered. “He can rot in the volcano for all I care."

  Ethan looked over at Sera. As he laid upon the floor, he reached out to her as one of the Apex soldiers picked her up. All went dark as Apex soldiers began beating him.

  He didn't fight back.

  Just hit me on the head, he thought. One misfire from a gun and this can all be over with.



  Sera blinked as she opened her eyes. The fluorescent light that hovered above her head, beamed with intensity. The sterile white paint of the ceiling and walls exaggerated its reflection. A cold metal slab pressed up against her bareback. As she exhaled, she realized her face was covered with a cloth wrapped around her mouth. Twisting and turning her hands, she felt immobile as straps secured her wrists and ankles.

  She tried screaming.

  A single tear rolled down her face.

  The light burned her eyes.

  She screamed again, louder.

  Her face dropped upon the metal table beneath her. Her breath shortened.

  She turned towards the corner of the room. High on the wall, a security camera stared back at her. Her eyes rolled back as they closed.

  Instantly, a door hissed opened -- the only door in the room. A woman dressed in all white approached Sera pushing a metal cart. Unstrapping Sera’s bondage, the woman removed Sera's examination clothes.

  "Argh," Sera winced, as the lady picked her up. "My head..." she continued.

  The woman didn’t speak. After opening up the cart and pulling out a box, she sat the box on top of the cart. Opening up the box, a folded white dress and a pair of white shoes laid press inside. The woman pulled out the clothes and began dressing Sera.

  Sera felt cold as her body faded in and out of transparency. The woman finished putting on Sera's shoes then grabbed her from the metal table. A soldier came into the room with a rolling chair. Stopping the seat in front of Sera, the soldier waited.

  "Sit down child," The woman commanded.

  “Why?” Sera asked. “Who are you?”

  The woman pushed Sera into the chair. Sera jumped up again. She was slammed down into the seat again by the Apex soldier. He then held her down. The woman pulled a syringe from out of her cart. She injected Sera with the needle. The woman stared at Sera as her eyes glowed red. They immediately turned black then returned to their natural color blue. The woman strapped Sera to the chair.

  “Your father's expecting you,” she uttered. “You will obey everything he says. You will control your abilities. You will only participate in conversations when told to. You are not allowed in the restricted areas. Do you understand these commands?"

  Sera's head slumped down to her chest.

  The woman leaned over her. She grabbed Sera’s chin. Taking out a penlight, she flashed it into Sera's eyes. The woman then stood up and nodded to the soldier.

  “If you're done...” the soldier asked. “I'll tell the control room to turn the camera back on.”

  "Everything is clear,” the woman uttered. She applied the ragged cloth over Sera’s mouth. “She'll be safe as long as she complies."

  The soldier rolled Sera out of the isolation room. As the door slid closed behind her, she slumped in the wheelchair and hid her face. A blinding white light beamed from the corridor. She fought to protect her eyes but the further they went the more the light engulfed her.

  Flood Gate

  Sera and the Apex soldier approached the president’s office. They came to an abrupt stop at the end of the hallway as two well-dress security guards stopped them at an enormous glass doorway.

  “Please wait,” one of the guards responded. He talked into his wrist then tapped his earpiece.

  “Okay,” the man uttered. “He’s ready for you.”

  Both guards opened the double-hinged door of the president’s office. A gold embossed Apex logo hung proud on the glass doors.

  The soldier rolled Sera’s wheelchair into a spacious office. Sitting in two plush chairs, an older gentleman awkwardly leaned forward as a younger boy turned his head towards Sera then quickly leaned back in his. The two occupants sat beside one another while a tall neatly kept figure stood across from them both looking out a window. All three males stared at Sera as the soldier stopped in front of them and waited for his next order.

  "Great, she's ready!" Hunter exclaimed. He walked next to his desk. "Leave her over there, next to him," he barked, pointing to the boy.

  The soldier rolled the wheelchair next to Damien.

  "Normally, I wouldn't mix business with family affairs, but be it as it may, it just so happens, the two are aligned today."

  Hunter glanced at his watch.

  "That took a little longer than expected," he continued, dismissing the soldier. "Let's get started!"

  Pushing a banquet cart, a woman attendant entered the office. Leaving the cart next to Hunter's desk, she removed the metal lid that covered the dishware, exposing various fruits and vegetables.

  "It's been a long day, gentlemen... I assume you two are hungry?"

  "Who's she?" the old man gruffed, still gawking at the young girl. "Is this some sort of a sick joke?"

  "Carlos, please!" Hunter smiled. "I insist you eat!"

  The old man glanced at Hunter. "What's wrong with her? Is she breathing?"

  "Eat," Hunter insisted again.

  "So you can poison me too! I'm not eating a damn thing on that plate!"

  "It’s Delgado grown. Taken from your very own farm, Carlos. All natural, nothing added."

  Hunter picked up a piece of fruit from the platter then bit into it. "Delicious!" he uttered, plopping the rest of the half-eaten berry into his mouth. He walked back behind his desk.

  "A fact remains unchecked, Carlos... the water used to grow such an abundance, doesn't just... fall from the sky."

  The attendant woman poured Hunter a glass of water.

  "You're a smart old man. Using condensation as a water source, although ingenious... it’s a direct violation of how things work around here in New Gate."

  "I'm not from New Gate, dipshit!"

  Hunter laughed as he picked up another piece of fruit.

  "Sure, you're not from around here... but having food unregulated anywhere is a bad business model. As two professional men, I'm sure we can come up with a solution together."

  "The solution is clear. Let me go home... Now!"

  "I can't... and I won't allow that."

  "Ugh," Sera moaned, interrupting the two men.

  Damien glanced at Sera. She tilted her head up and stared back at him. As she squinted her eyes, she bit into a ragged cloth, Damien’s eyes widen. He bolted out of his chair and ran to the food cart.

  "Hard-headed boy," Carlos gruffed. "Get over here!"

  "He's a growing boy, Carlos! Let him eat!" Hunter contested.

  Damien’s eyes didn’t leave Sera as he shoved a handful of food into his mouth.

  "The purpose of this meeting is to exhibit the fact that we can all eat together," Hunter assured Carlos. "So in response to that, I propose-"

  "I know what you propose... and you can kiss my ass!"

  "Ten million units,” Hunter injected, “Plenty of coin for an old man in his final days."

  "I don't want your nefarious ass money," Carlos replied standing up. "My final days on this rock won't be spent selling out to the sons-of-bitches who killed my daughter."

  Carlos glanced at Sera. “Drop the food, boy!” he yelled at Damien. “We're leaving this damned-forsaken city!”

  Turning his attention towards the window, Carlos looked up as the sound of a propeller grew loud in the distance. A helicopter emerged as it descended onto the landing port outside the President's office. As the side door panel flung open, a tall black man, wearing a gray beard and glasses, hopped out the helicopter.

  "Finally, we can wrap thi
s up," Hunter insisted as the gray-bearded man walked towards his office escorted by two guards in black suits.

  "Son..." the man uttered as he walked through the glass entrance. "It's good to see that you're still in control after all that Chaos."

  "Alive and well," Hunter replied. "I can assure you, Doctor."

  "Please,” the man insisted. “Forget the formalities, Hunter... How are things with Leo?"

  "It's just a matter of time. Even as we speak, Apex Task Force is deployed throughout the District now."

  The doctor stared at Hunter then nodded his head as he walked towards Sera. "So this is my beautiful granddaughter!"

  "I brought her here..." Hunter insisted. "Just as you asked." He paused before continuing on. "I must warn you though-"

  "My dear boy..." the doctor interrupted. "I am fully aware of her extraordinary talents. You should not concern yourself."

  With a vacant face, Hunter stared at his father. He picked up another piece of fruit. He sat back down behind his desk. "Well, Dr. Belmont..." he insisted, chewing his fruit slowly. "If you will... please... proceed."

  "Relax my dear child," Dr. Belmont assured Sera. He placed his hands on the top of hers.

  "I've waited ten years for this moment," he uttered, releasing the straps from her wrist. "Here, let me take these off."

  He leaned in close to her ear.

  "Now, do as you're told,” he whispered to her. “Neoma is watching."

  Hunter looked at his father puzzled. Stretching out her fingers and rubbing her wrist, Sera looked up at the doctor. As she proceeded to remove the cloth from her mouth, Dr. Belmont slowly guided her palms down to her lap.

  "Not yet my dear."

  He turned around and picked up a stack of papers from Hunter's desk. He slammed them on the table in front of Carlos. "Sign," the doctor demanded.

  Carlos snorted a glob of mucus deep from within his throat. He spat on the doctor's shoes.

  "Primitive as you are..." Dr. Belmont uttered. "I will tame you," he continued shaking the spit from his foot.

  Dr. Belmont stood behind Sera and put his hands on her shoulder. "You see this girl right here?"

  "What about her?" Carlos replied.

  The doctor held out his hand and whispered in Sera’s ear. "You can remove the cloth from your mouth now."

  Hunter stood up from his chair.

  Sera looked up at the doctor. She slowly pulled off the cloth from her mouth and gave it to him.